A go to symbol contributor helps user to navigate to any PSI element by its name.

13.1. Define helper method for generated PSI elements

To specify how a PSI element looks like in the Go To Symbol popup window, Structure tool window or another components, it should implement getPresentation method.

This means we need to define this method in our utility com.simpleplugin.parser.SimplePsiImplUtil and regenerate the parser and PSI classes.

public static ItemPresentation getPresentation(final SimpleProperty element) {
    return new ItemPresentation() {
        public String getPresentableText() {
            return element.getKey();

        public String getLocationString() {
            return element.getContainingFile().getName();

        public Icon getIcon(boolean unused) {
            return SimpleIcons.FILE;

13.2. Update grammar and regenerate the parser

property ::= (KEY? SEPARATOR VALUE?) | KEY {mixin="com.simpleplugin.psi.impl.SimpleNamedElementImpl"
  implements="com.simpleplugin.psi.SimpleNamedElement" methods=[getKey getValue getName setName getNameIdentifier getPresentation]}

13.3. Define a go to symbol contributor

{% include /code_samples/simple_language_plugin/src/com/simpleplugin/SimpleChooseByNameContributor.java %}

13.4. Register the go to symbol contributor

<gotoSymbolContributor implementation="com.simpleplugin.SimpleChooseByNameContributor"/>

13.5. Run the project

Now we can navigate to a property definition by name pattern via Navigate | Symbol action.

Go To Symbol

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