A quick fix allows to apply an automatic changes to the code via Show Intention Actions (Alt + Enter).

Let's add a quick fix which helps to define an unresolved property from its usage.

18.1. Update the element factory

{% include /code_samples/simple_language_plugin/src/com/simpleplugin/psi/SimpleElementFactory.java %}

18.2. Define an intention action

The quick fix will create a property in the file chosen by user, and navigate to this property after creation.

{% include /code_samples/simple_language_plugin/src/com/simpleplugin/CreatePropertyQuickFix.java %}

18.3. Update the annotator

{% include /code_samples/simple_language_plugin/src/com/simpleplugin/SimpleAnnotator.java %}

18.4. Run the project

Now let's try to use a property which is not defined yet.

Quick Fix

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